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Next Tier Education - Download this app!


I'm kind of obsessed with this thing. It's a website that lets students createa profile that then manages your college application process for you. You can search and browse schools, and if you decide you want to add them to your list, then the website will give you updates and reminders about what you still need to do in order to apply and even qualify for scholarships, etc., at said schools. I have a few students who use it, and it's completely changed the way they manage their time with this stuff. I'll be sending you all invitations to join my crew soon!


Oh, and the best part? You can unlock achievements -- just by doing what you'd have to do anyway -- that then turn into points. Those points can turn into dollars in the form of scholarships from the Next Tier Education company! Why just apply for college when you can get paid to apply for college?!


Check it out here. And if you have an iPhone, you can download their app as well.


The Common Application - You definitely want to use this


This is THE college application. More than 600 universities and colleges accept this. That means you only have to fill out ONE APPLICATION. One. That's the best number in the world when it comes to applications.

But there's more to it than just the application itself. These guys recently redesigned their website, and it's full of good information about financial aid, what you actually need for your application (letters of recommendation, transcript, test scores, etc.), and some general news about, well, college admissions stuff that you may find useful. 


Different schools have different requirements, but if a school accepts the Common App, then the Common App will tell you the exact requirements for that school (and Next Tier will remind you of those deadlines so you don't miss a beat -- see how they can work in tandem?). While there may be supplemental writing requirements, you'll only have to write one major essay. Cheers to that!

Now that you've got a conversation going with your counselor, check these out:

Even More Stuff to Help

Stay on top of it, but don't go it alone.

There's no reason to! These days, there is so much out there to help students figure out this whole college-admissions thing, and you don't need to come from a family that can throw thousands of dollars at the problem. 


The first resource you should be taking advantage of at every opportunity? Your guidance counselor. Seriously. He or she should be sick of you by the end of your senior year (I'm kidding, of course -- how could anyone get sick of your charming self?!).


When foundations want to get the news out about a new scholarship, they make sure those deets get to school guidance counselors. When changes are made to the SAT or ACT, guidance counselors are the first in the know. And when college admissions people are looking to arrange a presentation or college fair, they go to the guidance counselors first.


Get thee to a guidance counselor, like, yesterday.

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